07 September 2009

Lessons Learned - Notes on Driving

I might as well mention my thoughts on driving here. When I first arrived, I thought I'd have to go as fast as the speed limit and keep up with the Irish. They tailgate compared to the space that we're supposed to leave between cars in the states. However, I have realized that people go whatever speed limit they feel comfortable with and the others pass them. Passing is VERY common over here and no one gets offended or anything like that. When they get in front of you, it's *like* they're cutting you off but they're not. That's just how they drive like tailgating. If we got that close in the states, it would be because the person that passed you was ticked off at your driving. Here it's totally normal.

I feel comfortable driving now, for the most part and don't have trouble with the roundabouts or most situations. I still hate driving with anything too close on my left side because I'm afraid I'll rip off the sideview mirror but Nick lets me know that I'm doing a good job of maintaining balance.

I also have realized that the few times I've been honked at are when I suddenly put on the brakes (1 time) to stop at a Petrol station...and when I've been too chicken to go through a small space with cars on both sides. I should be more than good for heading into Scotland and England. I've been told that the roads are bigger over there but I don't know if the drivers will be as calm as the Irish.

Even though it's really scary and nervewracking at first, I highly recommend driving in Ireland, even for your first visit here. There's something more about being the driver as opposed to being on a tour bus or even the passenger in a car. You're much more connected to the country because you have to completely involve yourself in it with looking for road signs, watching for clues from other drivers, learning the rules of the road (both written and unwritten). I think I've learned a lot about Ireland this way.

Another Note: We haven't gotten to go to any touristy sites besides Dublin itself but we've seen a lot of the country. It would have been cool to go to Blarney Castle and kiss the Blarney Stone but hanging upside down over the side of a castle isn't really my cup o'tea. I am sad that we didn't get to go to my lighthouse but we've got a castle stay and a lighthouse stay in our future. ;)

1 comment:

  1. More personal photos, please. That was a great shot of Nick . .but where's Carolyn? Can't wait to hear you've done something touristy. So far it sounds like lots of driving,getting lost and looking for food!!! Just kidding, the two of you sound quite courageous and adventurous. Slontia!!! (I think that's Cheers in Irish)
