07 September 2009

Day 3 - Dublin to Kilkenny

I'm quite far behind in my posting due to long driving hours and little sleep (trying to get naps in here and there). On Day 3, we left Dublin to head to Kilkenny. Unfortunately, Google Maps which works so wonderfully in the states failed me here in Ireland. I was trying to follow the directions, missed one of the crucial turns on Church Street and spent 2 hours in Dublin trying to leave.
It was a really frustrating experience and the monkey did pretty well through the whole ordeal. I had to talk to a cab driver who helped me a bit but I think he didn't remember that there's a street in which cabs can go straight but others had to take a detour so we ended up in some weird place. Finally we started making it out of Dublin and when we tried to go to the motorway (highway) N7, we lost it somehow. We were following the signs to N4 through N7 and then, all of a sudden, it was just N4 through N6.
I've figured out that, in the states, we have what I now like to call "Road Signs for Dummies" which I love and appreciate. In Ireland, you often get one chance to see a sign and if you miss that sign, you will miss your turn and keep driving, not realizing that you totally missed it. They also don't show the sign for the road you're on very often.
Fortunately, the Irish are generally very kind and have been very helpful in guiding us to the right path.
We got lost a few more times on this journey and talked to an employee at B&Q (pictures below are of that location).
Another hour or so later, I wasn't sure if I missed the turn or not (still using my Google Maps handwritten directions since I don't have a printer) so I stopped at a Petrol station (gas station for you Americans ;) ) and another lady helped us out.
More on Day 3 in the next installment which, since I'm so far behind, will be coming shortly. =)

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